Understand your consumer like a psychologist.

To drive a consumer decision, two things are required: Interest & Action. We use predictive data and behavioral science to show you how to drive both.

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Understand trends
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Predict behavior
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Drive growth

Your partners in consumer psychology, trusted by

Uncover the hidden motivations behind every purchase

Clearly visualize where your portfolio and competitors cluster in consumers’ minds and identify the coveted white-space growth opportunities. Our focus on consumer psychology to guide our forward-looking database boils down to two core metrics: Interest & Action.

interest and action


Do they WANT you?

Understand how consumers see your brand, their interest in engaging with it, and how they are motivated to interact.

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Will they BUY you?

Understand how consumers are compelled to act on their interest and how they choose between competitors.

Drive Double-Digit Growth

Unleash our reliable and repeatable framework to uncover what truly drives consumer Interest & Action – proven to drive big-time results.

+ 0 %

QOQ sales growth

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YOY sales growth

+ 0 %
Loyalty KPI growth

Tap into consumer psychology



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Schedule a complimentary walkthrough of our proprietary metrics to understand the psychological motivation behind consumer decisions.



psychological proprietary metrics

Point our framework and database at your most crucial business challenges to identify fresh answers and growth opportunities for your brands.



competitor psychological driver map

Motivate Interest and Action with your target consumers using predictive data and behavioral science, proven to work in the real world.

Ready to get started?
