Navigate to double-digit sales growth with GPS for your brand

We’ll map where your brand stands in terms of Interest & Action, then give you a step-by-step plan to improve your position.

Our approach shows you new strategic opportunities and identifies the best times and places to reach your audience. We’ll guide you to create engaging content and promotions, while guiding you to capture and keep attention, leading to better results.

a d website HIW gps v2

It's not just a map... it's turn-by-turn directions

Our PhD team, backed by our AI-enabled database, has identified the 3 paths to growth, depending on YOUR brand’s unique situation.​
drive interest

Drive Interest

New or stalled brands need
Interest to drive TRIAL

drive action

Drive Action

Growing brands need
Action to drive CHOICE

drive interest action

Drive Interest & Action

Mature brands need
both to drive LOYALTY

Proven to drive results like +16% sales growth
Brands in the ‘Promised Land’ drive an average of 9% growth
300 tactics proven to drive consumer decision-making and behavior
Decision Triggers Activation​

Once you know exactly how to grow YOUR business, we show you exactly how to activate.

The psychology of Interest & Action reveals over 300 tactics proven to drive consumer decision-making and behavior. Often called things like nudges, heuristics, biases, and triggers, our team spells out exactly: ​

  • Who to target for maximum growth.​
  • What drives and hinders their real-life decision making.​
  • How to best engaged them to drive behavior throughout the purchase journey.
decision trigger activation

"The most actionable insights we've ever gotten"

Coca Cola logo
Learn more about the underlying science
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Our head of research, T. Sigi Hale, PhD explains human behavior, our approach, and our proprietary, AI-integrated database, the Psych-Pulse™ …

What is the Psych-Pulse?

It’s our proprietary longitudinal database and AI-enabled analytics platform. Built and analyzed by our team of PhD neuroscientists, it uses decision science-based activities to clearly explain consumer behavior, and predict both sales volume and household penetration performance.

Reach your target market with precision by following our path to actionable insights and predictable sales impact.
