Case Study

Bev Alc Brand Activation

The context:
While it drives high consumer engagement, the beverage-alcohol category is notoriously difficult to assess and predict. And yet, business leaders need tangible guides to plan strategy and activation.
The business problem:

It’s basically impossible for consumers to realize or explain why they consume one category or another in a specific occasion (beer vs. spirits vs. wine vs. hard seltzer vs. canned cocktails…), or why they choose a given brand (Truly vs. White Claw, and so on…)

The Constellation Brands team came to us for a deeper, psychology-based understanding of the WHY’s behind consumption behaviors.

The breakthrough:

We’ve mapped the operating system of the brain – the key neuroscientific factors that underlie behavior.

​We applied our proprietary measure & database to diagnose consumer decision-making for the bev-alc category, and armed the team with a comprehensive playbook explaining why people consume, and how to activate to stand out from the noise out in the real world.​

The portfolio – and share price – centered around brands like Corona and Modelo, continue to out-pace competitors.

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