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Cracking the Code on the Millennial Mind with the 4 Drivers of BeSci

Cracking the Code 1

As marketers, we’re accustomed to looking at consumer behavior — how people behave in given situations or contexts — and then trying to extrapolate why they do what they do. Unfortunately, observing behavior and context still can’t explain the WHY.

What’s missing from traditional consumer research approaches is human nature. And there is one core fact that decades of scientific knowledge about human nature reveals: Simply, that humans crave CONTROL.

Below is a 15-minute video from my talk at the 2016 IIeX Conference. In this talk, I discuss our proprietary brain state model, Habits of Control, and how it goes beyond simple demographics to give us information about how humans pay attention, how they make decisions, and how they interact with the world from a sensory standpoint.

Using this model in a recent study on Millennials revealed some very interesting truths about Millennials that may surprise you. Take a closer look to learn concrete ways to effectively reach this generation in real life…
