In order to guide laser-focused action, and highly-effective results out in the real world for you and your teams, we deliver a PPT document, called a Playbook. We call it this because it is NOT a series of charts, a summary, or page-after-page of bullet points. It’s a success manual to winning in your marketplace.
Our playbooks clearly explain how to drive the business via:
Putting aside all the headlines and buzzwords, the omni-channel is the collection and sequence of touch-points a person encounters where they can make a purchase decision about your brand.
It obviously includes the traditional channels of eComm and brick-and-mortar. But where it gets interesting is the combination of the two. Often called hybrid commerce, or hComm, the intersection of digital and physical is ripe with business-building potential.
Sure, we can assess where and how a person shops. But what’s more important is our ability to assess WHY they shop in those ways, what they like about the experience, and what they don’t. In most cases, a person won’t even consciously realize what’s driving, and hindering their shopping behavior. But our psychological profiling gets to the core of their decision-making criteria, so you can “sell in the ways in which they (subconsciously) want to buy.”
The concept of ‘journey mapping’ can be overwhelming, because traditional approaches typically attempt to look at everything, all at once. That is, they attempt to map all potential influences, at every step in the path-to-purchase – often creating more questions than answers.
But we start with consumer psychology to filter out the ‘signal from the noise.’ So our guidance identifies, then guides activation for only the parts of the journey that actually MATTER in driving shopper purchase behavior. We regularly answer questions like:
A few of our partners who are now in-the-know on what truly drives, and hinders, their consumers and shoppers.